
Hey everyone, how are you all doing? Pardon me for the absence from the blog for a while.  I have left the crazy hot summer that has afflicted Kyoto, and I am in Europe once again. It has been 6 years. Let me introduce some of the remarkable dishes I have experienced in France and Belgium over the last ten days.

BTW, I should point out that September in Europe is much cooler and, thank God, much less humid than Japan. This difference in climate is important in understanding the difference in our food cultures.  Rich, strong, dense foods are thus the norm here in Europe, even in summer.

これはフランスのノルマンディー地方の、モンサンミッシェルと言う世界遺産にもなっている大観光地のレストラン、La Ferme Saint Michel で頂いた、前菜のお魚のスープ。クリアーであっさりしたお味かと思いきや、そこはやっぱりフランス。かなりクリーミーなテキスチャーです。蟹または海老の味噌が入っていたと思います。シュレッドチーズを入れたら、もっとこっくりした味に。付け合わせのカリカリに焼いたパンが見事にマッチしていました。This is La Ferme Saint Michel, a restaurant in Mont Saint Michel,  Normandy, a World Heritage site. It was recommended to us as the most authentic and best value place in the vicinity by the Count of Chateau Boucéel.

I ordered a fish soup. I thought it would be clear and light, but yes, this is France. The soup’s so rich and creamy. I think it must contain either crab or prawn ‘brown meat’, ie, the best bits from under the carapace. It was served with shredded cheese on the side, an option that adds a deeper taste, and it was perfect with the crispy toasted baguettes.

これは地元で採れた魚介類のソティとサラダを合わせたもの。ドレッシングというよりはソースと言う感じのバター風味の優しいお味です。This dish is a local fish, sautée, with salad. It is accompanied with a sauce rather than a dressing, and has a lovely delicate butter taste.

相方のチョイスしたラムのグリル。赤ワインとヴィネガーを合わせたソースで。大変に美味であったそうです!My partner’s choice, grilled Pre Salé salt marsh lamb with red wine and vinegar combination sauce. According him, it was brilliant!

初めてお城に泊まりました。280年前の時代に人力だけで1年半という短い時間で建てられたとか。。。一歩中に足を踏み入れると、そこは時間の止まったままの世界です。For the first time I stayed in a Chateau. It was built 280 years ago and completed from start to finish within 18 months solely by human hand, no machinery !! Once you step through its doors, you can feel that time has stood still.

気さくな伯爵の用意してくれた朝食はシンプルな物です。器が美しいアプリコットのジャム。The breakfast, served by the Count himself,  was simple but totally lovely including this apricot jam. The plates were so beautiful as well.

特筆すべきは、そのパンとジャムとバターの美味しさ。特にバターはこの近くのサンマロ地方が特産だけあって、芳醇で豊かな味がしました。今回は行けませんでしたが、バターの専門店があって、海藻入りやハーブを練り込んだ、それはそれは数々の物が売られているらしいのです。次は絶対!The most important thing is the flavor combination of jam, butter and bread. Saint Malo, near here, is famous for its butter. I missed this time to visit the specialist shop that sells home-made seaweed butter, herb butter and so many other different kinds of butter! Next time I must visit!

当然ながら地産のものは美味しい。そして安い。サンマロでのランチで飲んだシードル、名産品の林檎を使った手作りの発泡酒は暑い日本の夏にもピッタリかと思います。ほのかに甘く、特に女子向け。手作りラベルも可愛い!!Naturally, the local products are unbeatable (and also cheaper). This is cidre de Bretagne, a home-made apple cider, made from the famous local product. I think this is suitable even for a stinky hot Japanese summer, as it’s light and refreshing. It could be very popular among Japanese women. The hand written label is so cute as well!!!